
Oyadao is a 148 km2 license area near the Vietnam border. It sits directly above and runs north and east of the Phum Syarung (PS) gold mine site 300 meters to the south.
The entire license area has been the subject of an aeromagnetic survey, satellite imagery geological interpretation, with reconnaissance field truth mapping and multi-element stream sediment geochemical survey, taking samples from catchments of roughly 1km² extents. These efforts highlighted several areas as specific targets for more intensive work.
The Oyadao license, which is under a 70/30 shared interest agreement with Hommy 5 Resources(H5R) of Canada, has undertaken a Joint Development Agreement with Almighty Natural Resources Ltd. of Dubai to further explore, drill, complete feasibility, and move to a production phase on the license. Almighty will earn an 80% interest and Angkor/H5R will have a 20% carried interest in the projects through production.
Recent work has occurred at the northwestern corner of the property which is adjacent to the Wild Boar gold target on the Andong Meas license. After the work completed in 2022, the proposed auger sampling shown on the map below was deemed to be impractical. Instead, two teams of geologists completed traverses across the area sampling rock and soil while mapping the area. The Patang area is underlain by the metamorphic sequence of gneiss and calcareous sedimentary units intruded by granodiorite. A few areas with possible skarn mineralization were identified in 2022 but the area was not re-visited in 2023. This area requires further mapping and sampling.
Work on the southern portion of the license has focused on the area immediately north of the Phum Syarung gold deposit. The gold hosting veins trend northward into this area. A preliminary drill program completed in 2020 consisting of 1,257 meters in 13 holes intercepted brecciated and veined zones in 9 of the holes with gold values of less than one gram to a high of 2.44 grams. As a proof-of-concept style drill program, it was successful. The vein intercepts were like PS mineralization in that the quartz carbonate veins are hosted by andesite dikes cutting granodiorite with a northeast strike and a shallow southeast dip.

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