Andong Bor

The Andong Bor Exploration License (EL) covers an area of 100.29 km2 and is located in the province of Oddar Meanchey in north-west Cambodia. The license at its closest point is around 29 km from the Thailand International Border. The Ministry of Mines and Energy (MME) has granted Angkor a 3-year exploration license starting August 8, 2022 and may be renewed for another two terms provided that each term does not exceed two years. Under certain circumstances, the license can be extended for another period of two years at the discretion of the MME.
The Andong Bor Project is primarily prospective for copper and gold although other base metals are a secondary consideration. It contains three significant prospects; The Cu-Au-Mo Thmei North, Thmei South Cu Prospect, and the Au-Pb-As Minesite Prospect.
Results have shown the Thmei North Prospect to be highly anomalous for Cu-Au-Mo over 1km in width with coincidental anomalous values of Bi and Te overlying magnetic and satellite anomalies. Intense propylitic alteration has been observed between the Thmei North and Thmei South Prospects. Cu Porphyry and/or Cu skarn seem the most plausible mineralization models at this early stage. Minesite Prospect on the other hand looks to be highly anomalous for lode style gold and to a lesser degree Ag, Pb, Mo, As, Cu and Zn along at least two adjacent WNW-NNW linear trends. These controls are similar to the currently producing Bo Sup Trup Minesite 1km to the south-west.
The Andong Bor EL has the potential to host multiple mineralized deposits which needs to be confirmed with further exploration.

Angkor completed a detailed in-fill auger survey in 2023.
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